Below we have detailed each of UVA’s brand colors and tints that can be used as background colors with the appropriate type sizes and type colors that will meet University digital accessibility standards and make your presentations and digital products accessible. The University’s standard is that all digital products must be compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) AA level at minimum. If you need further assistance with how to design accessible digital products, please reach out to UVA’s digital accessibility coordinator, Brooke Bailey.
Evaluating Acceptable Combinations
We used WCAG 2.2 standards to evaluate acceptable color ratios. The color ratio is determined by a mathematical calculation of the relative luminance, or brightness, of two colors. This ratio tells how close each color’s luminance is to the other color, which indicates how easily the two colors are distinguishable from each other.
Background Color Combinations – Regular-Sized Text
Regular text is considered anything that is a minimum of 16 pixels up to 23 pixels unbolded and a minimum of 16 pixels to 18.65 pixels bolded.
We’ve indicated color combinations that meet WCAG AAA standards, a higher standard than the University requires but preferable to use if possible. The type color codes specified are hex codes. For an explanation of which background colors are primary, secondary and web-only, visit our brand colors page.
UVA Blue
- #FDDA24 (AAA)
- #009FDF
- #25CAD3
- #62BB46
UVA Blue 25%
- #232D4B
UVA Orange
- #111111
UVA Orange 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #495E9D
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #666666
- #111111
- #495E9D
- #DF1E43
Light Gray
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #666666
- #111111
- #495E9D
Medium Gray
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111
Dark Gray
- #F1F1EF
Emergency Red
- #232D4B
- #111111
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111
- #495E9D
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #232D4B
- #111111
Cyan 25%
- #232D4B
- #111111
- #495E9D
Yellow 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #666666
- #495E9D
Teal 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #666666
- #495E9D
Green 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #666666
- #495E9D
Magenta 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
Background Color Combinations – Large Text and Graphical User Interfaces
Large text is considered anything that is a minimum of 18.66 pixels bolded or a minimum of 24 pixels unbolded.
We’ve indicated color combinations that meet WCAG AAA standards, a higher standard than the University requires but preferable to use if possible. The type color codes specified are hex codes. For an explanation of which background colors are primary, secondary and web-only, visit our brand colors page.
UVA Blue
- #FDDA24 (AAA)
- #25CAD3 (AAA)
- #009FDF (AAA)
- #62BB46 (AAA)
- #F1F1EF (AAA)
- #E57200
- #EF3F6B
UVA Blue 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #495E9D
UVA Orange
- #232D4B
UVA Orange 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #495E9D (AAA)
- #666666
- #DF1E43
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #666666 (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #DF1E43 (AAA)
- #495E9D (AAA)
- #E57200
- #EF3F6B
Light Gray
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #666666 (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #495E9D (AAA)
- #EF3F6B
- #DF1E43
Medium Gray
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #666666
- #495E9D
- #DF1E43
Dark Gray
- #F1F1EF (AAA)
- #FDDA24
Emergency Red
- #F1F1EF
- #FDDA24
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #495E9D (AAA)
- #666666
- #DF1E43
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111
- #495E9D
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #232D4B
- #F1F1EF
- #111111
Cyan 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #495E9D (AAA)
- #666666
- #DF1E43
Yellow 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #666666 (AAA)
- #495E9D (AAA)
- #EF3F6B
- #DF1E43
Teal 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #666666 (AAA)
- #495E9D (AAA)
- #EF3F6B
- #DF1E43
Green 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #666666 (AAA)
- #DF1E43
- #495E9D
Magenta 25%
- #232D4B (AAA)
- #111111 (AAA)
- #666666 (AAA)
- #DF1E43
- #495E9D